399116 613615 Videojet original display door keyboard for Videojet CIJ printer 1240 1280 1580 1860 1880 1210 1220 1330 1510 1520 1610 1620
399116 613615 Videojet original display door keyboard for Videojet CIJ printer 1240 1280 1580 1860 1880 1210 1220 1330 1510 1520 1610 1620
Model |
Print Module |
Print Module |
Print Module |
Module |
CSB4 |
CSB5 |
Module |
630-2L |
--- |
383105 |
383106 |
383110 |
SP383092 |
SP392440 |
383122 |
383094 |
383124 |
630-3L |
--- |
383105 |
383106 |
383110 |
SP383103 |
SP392441 |
383122 |
383094 |
383124 |
650 |
--- |
383105 |
383106 |
383110 |
383043 |
SP392442 |
383122 |
383094 |
383124 |
680 |
--- |
383105 |
383106 |
383110 |
383044 |
SP392443 |
383122 |
383094 |
383124 |
1210 |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
SP399334 |
SP392407 |
399078 |
399077 |
399081 |
1220 |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
SP392123 |
SP392414 |
399078 |
399077 |
399081 |
1320 |
--- |
399422 |
--- |
399181 |
SP399537 |
SP392410 |
399078 |
399077 |
399081 |
1330 |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
383166 |
SP392419 |
399078 |
399077 |
399081 |
1350 |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
SP399773 |
SP392432 |
399078 |
399077 |
399081 |
1510 |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
SP500074 |
SP392405 |
399078 |
399077 |
399081 |
1520 |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
SP392121 |
SP392413 |
399078 |
399077 |
399081 |
1550 |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
395890 |
SP392417 |
399078 |
399077 |
399081 |
1610 |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
SP399394W |
SP392408 |
399473 |
399077 |
399081 |
1610DH |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
SP399597W |
--- |
SP399754 |
399077 |
SP239229 |
1620 |
--- |
399422 |
399180 |
399181 |
SP392125 |
SP392416 |
399473 |
399077 |
399081 |
1620UHS |
395916 |
399181 |
SP392125UHS |
SP392436 |
399473 |
399077 |
399081 |
1620HR |
397353 |
399181 |
SP392125UHS |
SP392436 |
399473 |
399077 |
399081 |
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We provide a complete Videojet product chain, including but not limited to inkcore, umbilical, CSB, PSU, pressure sensor, LCD screen, nozzleTTO printhead, solenoid Valve, valve module, printhead module , EHT, filter, gear pump, gutter pump, pres.sure pump, vacuum pump, chip, inkcore board, keyboard, service module, empty cartridge, plastic bottle bottles, etc.
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